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What is SGA?

The Student Government Association is the primary organization in which students represent themselves towards the University administration and external stakeholders. It consists of a roughly 40-person legislature, executive, and cabinet, with 11 primary committees. There is also a judicial branch called the Governance Board, though its function is mostly separate.

Why should I vote for SGA?

SGA is a primary way of telling the administration what you want to happen on campus. SGA elections matter because you are voting for the students who will represent your needs to the administration and be the public face of student concerns on campus. Turnout for these elections was roughly 15% last year, which was a high in recent memory. 

Who can vote in elections?

Any undergraduate student can vote in SGA elections, including seniors! Voting is online, and you will be asked to verify your student account.

Why is Forward Maryland different?

Forward Maryland is a ticket that brings together student leaders from over 150 organizations and communities on campus working to better student life at the University of Maryland. We are running to represent undergraduate students in the 2020-2021 school year for the Student Government Association. Our goals to be student-centered, action-oriented, data-driven, and empathy-led were not created for this campaign. They are values that our candidates abide by in their personal lives and on-campus. These incredible student leaders have joined together on this ticket to be representative of UMD students and move Maryland forward. 

What is a ticket system of voting?

In this year’s SGA elections, every undergraduate student can vote for three executive candidates: President, Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer. They can also vote for legislators who represent their academic colleges and their residential areas. Candidates are shown with their ticket affiliations, if any, as well as a short bio. 


Tickets are a coalition of students with similar ideas about student leadership and governance and a collective vision for the school. Many candidates decide to run with a ticket to combine resources and reach as many students as possible.


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